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2022, December 2022 Jason Matter 2022, December 2022 Jason Matter

Bubbling Rose

Image Description and Details : After a few months off while i had planetary equipment on the mount. The RC is now back on the mount for some deep sky imaging again. Starting with the Bubble nebula or NGC 7635. 8000 light years away in the constellation Cassiopeia. Captured from my Bortle 5 backgarden in west sussex over many nights. I also added the data i captured back in 2021, as it's a target i find fascinating and keep returning to. Capture details:118x 600 Ha. 63x 600 oiii and 58x 600 sii.Equipment details: EQ6-rASI 1600mmBaader 1.25" narrowband filtersOrion RC 8"
Copyright: Carl Gough

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August 2022, 2022 Jason Matter August 2022, 2022 Jason Matter


Image Description and Details : NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula

Distance from Earth: 11,090 light years

NGC 7635 (sometimes known as the Bubble Nebula or C 11) is a diffuse nebula visible in the constellation of Cassiopeia, towards the border with Cepheus.
It is a HII region, at the southern vertex of which there is an empty structure, caused by the pressure of the radiation of a central star of blue color (spectral class O), SAO 20575, of ninth magnitude, whose stellar wind reaches 2000 km / s; it is a blue Giant, which is also responsible for the ionization of the nebula, which emits its own light. Its distance from the Sun is estimated at 11,000 light-years.

Meade RCX 14 "
Ioptron Cem120
Moravian G2-8300
Astronomik filters
21x240s CCD
19x240s RGB
41x600s Ha

Copyright: Luca Dinoi

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