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Partial Lunar Eclipse
Image Description and Details :
Celestron C5+Canon 60DExposure time: 2 secondsIso: 800F: 10Focal Lenght: 1250 mm.Process: Lightroom + PixinsightGuillermo Cervantes MosquedaObservatorio Astronómico AltaïrPoncitlán Jalisco México
Copyright: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Partial solar eclipse
Partial solar eclipse of the day from the South-West of France
- Orion 80ED
- Coronado SolarMax 60
- SharpCap, post-processing AutoStakkert v3, Registax 6, Photoshop and Lightroom.
Copyright: Christophe Gervier
Partial Solar Eclipse 2020
Partial Solar Eclipse 2020 in Hydrogen-alpha with lots of solar prominences captured on the day of Summer Solstice. Click the link below to see the full resolution.
Esprit 80mm APO - Daystar quark chromosphere - UV/IR cut - Canon 6D - AZEQ6
Mleiha, UAE
Copyright: Prabhu S Kutti