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2022, January 2022 Jason Matter 2022, January 2022 Jason Matter

Variable stars in the Pleiades cluster

Image Description and Details : There are a lot of variable stars in the Pleiades cluster. About 60 were identified in this view using the AAVSO star charts.
4 of those showed clear variability in my recordings of 9-1-2022

NSV 1300. which is of type BY Draconis variables. These are rotating variables, usually type K or M, so orange/red stars. What you see here are starspots (sunspots on a star) spinning in and out of view. It revolves in 4.5 hours and you see almost 2 laps.

V1188, is an eclipsing binary star with a period of 13.88 hours. It varies between 12.3 and 11.85.

YZ Tau also shows variability. This is an RR Lyrae type variable. with a period of 9 hours. These are pulsating stars that shrink and grow periodically.
Here you can already see a contraction (getting hotter) and expansion (getting colder) of the star.

OU Tau is also a BY type star, a rotating star with a stellar spot on it. It rotates in 9.5 hours. In this case you can already see 1 cautious dip when the starspot rotates in and out of our image

Copyright: Remco Kemperman

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