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2022, October 2022 Jason Matter 2022, October 2022 Jason Matter


Image Description and Details :RECORDING DATA:
Location: Upper Austria
Date taken: August 2022
Distance: 7,500 light years
Diameter: -
Exposure: RGB each 30 x 120 sec. / Gain 56 at -15°C
Luminance: 192 x 150 sec / gain 0 at -15°C
H-Alpha: 39x 900 sec. / Gain 56 at -15°C
O-III: 32x 900 sec. / Gain 56 at -15°C
Total: 28.7 hours

Calibration: BIAS / Flats / DarkFlats
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO
Telescope: Lacerta 10″ Fotonewton 250/1000
Corrector: Pál Gyulai GPU coma corrector
Filter: Antlia LRGB-V Pro
Antlia 3nm Pro H-Alpha
Antilia 3nm Pro O-III
Camera: QHY268m
Guiding: QHY OAG with QHY5III462c and PHD2
Software: APP / Photoshop CC

Copyright: Daniel Nimmervoll - astro-fotografie.at

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