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2024, June 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, June 2024 Charles Lillo

SH2-91: The Other Veil

Sh2-91 is a faint and intricate supernova remnant located in the constellation Cygnus, also known as the Network Nebula. This remnant is part of a larger supernova event that occurred thousands of years ago, scattering stellar material across the region. It is characterized by its delicate filaments of gas and dust, glowing predominantly in hydrogen-alpha light, which creates a striking visual of interwoven tendrils against the backdrop of the Milky Way.

The distance to Sh2-91 is estimated to be around 2,600 light-years from Earth. This remnant is particularly interesting to astronomers due to its complex structure and the insights it provides into the aftermath of supernova explosions. The remnants of the progenitor star interact with the surrounding interstellar medium, offering clues about the life cycle of stars and the dynamics of supernova remnants. Sh2-91, with its ethereal appearance, is a testament to the powerful and violent processes that shape our galaxy.

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