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Our Star The Sun
Our star, the sun, is 4,57 billion years old and belongs to the spectral class G2V yellow-orange. She is a so-called yellow dwarf at best age compared to other stars. We will still be approx. Another 4,5 billion years can enjoy her. However, their end will also be our end...
The shot shows the AR2765 sunspot and a protuberance, an ejection of hot gas, on the surface.
Surface Temperature / Surface Temperature:
~ 5700 ℃
Rotation duration / rotation period: 25,4 days
Distance to Earth / Distance to earth: ~ 149,6 million km
Diameter / Diameter: ~ 1,4 million km
Recording data / capture data:
🔭: Lunt LS152 H-alpha
📷: Zwo ASI 120MM mini
🗓: 12.06.2020 17:43 o'clock
👨 💻: Sharpcap, Autostackkert, Photoshop
Copyright: J-N Photography
Sunspots active region and solar granulation
In this mosaic we can see some sunspots active regions and surrounding solar granulation taken before the current low solar activity. Images was taken from Cremona in northern of Italy through a Maksutov Rumak F20 telescope with an F12 focal reducer, Baader Planetarium ASTF280 astrosolar filter and Baader Planetarium Continuum CWL 540nm filter. Cameras used was I.S. DBK41 and Zwo ASI 224MC. Frames stacked with Autostakkert and processed with Wavelets of registax and Photoshop.
Copyright: Francesco Badalotti