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2021, May 2021 Jason Matter 2021, May 2021 Jason Matter

Sunspot Nº2814 with a dual process

Image Description and Details :

This cycle 25 started powerfull, but this days there are not much activity. A little group of 3 subgroups are now active, so I grabbed the equipment and go to shoot it. Testing processing options, I discover a way to enhance the faculaes, so I made a dual proccesed image of the sunspot and full disk.Tube: SkyWatcher ED 72/420 with a Baader Astrosolar OD 5.0 filter.Camera: QHY 294CFilters: Zwo IR/UV cut and Baader Solar Continuum Mount: SkyWatcher AZ-GTI over a Manfrotto 055 tripod.Barlow: GSO 2.5x.

Copyright: Enol Matilla

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