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2023, August 2023 Charles Lillo 2023, August 2023 Charles Lillo

W63 supernova remnant

In a striking astrophotograph, the W63 supernova remnant was unveiled in all its celestial splendor. This remnant stands as a testament to the cataclysmic end of a massive star. The structures of shockwaves and expanding debris showcased the forces unleashed during the supernova explosion, revealing insights into the dynamic processes shaping the cosmos.

With its intricate filaments and glimmering remnants, the W63 supernova remnant offered a glimpse into the intricate interplay between stellar life and death, underscoring the profound and ever-evolving nature of our universe.

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2021, November 2021 Jason Matter 2021, November 2021 Jason Matter

Supernova Remmant W63 (G082.2+05.3)

Image Description and Details :

Telescope: Borg 101ED f/4
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 (Rowan Belt Mod)
Camera: QHYCCD 163M
Filters: Optolong H OIII
Guide Scope: DIY Guidescope 43mm f/3
Guide Camera: QHY 178M

Location: Castillo de Villamalefa
Date: Summer 2021
Resolution: 1.87″/pixel
Guiding Performance: 1” RMS (average)
Exposures: (Gain 174 / Offset 77 / Bin 1×1)
H: 11.25h (137x300s)
O: 26.35h (319x300s)
Sensor Temperature: -10C
20 Flats
20 Darks

Total Integration Time: 38.5h

Copyright: Alberto Ibañez

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