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2023, January 2023 Jason Matter 2023, January 2023 Jason Matter

Sim 129 & 130 - The Tadpoles

Image Description and Details : This image was rather a surprise to me. I started shooting it last year and managed to scratch out a few more hours of data on it earlier this month. It's part of a much wider field, but when I zoomed in on the two objects that give the nebula its name, I was pleasantly surprised at the detail that came through.

The Tadpoles Nebula (I'll post the wide field in a day or two), designated IC 410, hosts a star cluster catalogued as NGC 1893. That cluster contains a number of very young, hot stars that formed in the larger nebula three million years ago and they have been busy sculpting the surrounding gasses with hot stellar winds ever since resulting in the two beauties in this shot designated Sim 129 (left) and Sim 130 (right).

The two tadpoles are each about 10 light years in length and are likely the source of ongoing star formation.

Details: Celestron EdgeHD 1100 telescope; 10Micron GM1000 HPS mount; ZWO ASI6200MM camera; Chroma 3nm narrowband filters; 18hrs exposure time.

Copyright: the Accidental Astronomers

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