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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

The Eye of the Queyras

Image Description and Details : Perched at an altitude of 2492m, this lake is located in an environment of dolomitic sedimentary rocks (composed of at least 25% dolomite).Downstream of this lake, the slopes are made up of glossy shales testifying to the presence of the bottom of an ocean more than 3000m deep 150 million years ago.Moreover, on the Pic of Rochebrune located not far from this lake, it is possible to find fossils of ammonites reflecting the presence of a hot so shallow!Today, this lake is a must-see destination for families wishing to have a picnic after an hour-long stroll! Technical :This is a panoramic view of 12 photos.Foreground : each photo is stacking of 5 photos with exposure of 1"30 @ 2000 iso.Milky Way : each photo is stacking of 9 photos with exposure of 13 seconds @ 4000 iso.I used a Canon 5D MKIII and lens Samyng 24mm f/1.4 (@ f/2.5) on tripod.Place : Lake of Shoes (Hautes-Alpes France). Copyright Information: Jeff Graphy

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