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2021, August 2021 Jason Matter 2021, August 2021 Jason Matter

The Iris, the Ghost, and the Dark

Image Description and Details : Two popular long focal length targets, the Iris Nebula and the Ghost Nebula, share a field of chocolate colored dust in the constellation Cepheus. This 2 degree FOV captures both with plenty of room for the surrounding dark nebulae.

Captured over 4 nights in Goldendale Washington from Goldendale Sky Village and Sky View Acres. Both sites are Bortle 2.

Takahashi FSQ 106
Paramount MYT

Chroma Blue 2": 35x300" (2h 55') (gain: 56.00) -10C bin 1x1
Chroma Green 2": 32x300" (2h 40') (gain: 56.00) -10C bin 1x1
Chroma Luminance 2": 47x300" (3h 55') (gain: 56.00) -10C bin 1x1
Chroma Red 2": 31x300" (2h 35') (gain: 56.00) -10C bin 1x1

Integration: 12h 5'

Copyright:Kevin Morefield

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2021, August 2021 Jason Matter 2021, August 2021 Jason Matter

vdB141 - The ghost Nebula in Cepheus

Image Description and Details : Telescope: Artec250 Newtonian f/4 Astrograph
Imaging camera: QSI683 @-30°C
Guiding camera: Lodestar
Corrector: Televue Paracorr 2''
Mount: iOptron CEM120 EC
Acquisition software: Voyager
Astrodon Gen2 filter set
L =27x900s (bin1)
R = 8x1200s (bin1)
G = 9x1200s (bin1)
B = 9x1200s (bin1)
Processed in PixInsight 1.8

Copyright: Flavio Simeone

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