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Image Description and Details : M33, familiarly known as the Triangulum Galaxy, is one of the closest large galaxies to Earth. It’s located in the constellation Triangulum at a distance of about 2.5 million light years and has a diameter of around 60,000 light years.
Luminance: Sky-Watcher Esprit 150 f/7 refractor and QHY600M camera with Optolong UV/IR filter
Chrominance: Takahashi FSQ-106 ED IV @ f/5 and QHY367C Pro one-shot colour camera with Optolong UV/IR filter
Processed in PixInsight
27x10m Lum = 4hr30m
51 x 5m OSC = 4hr25m
Total: 8hr45m
Image scale 0.72 arcsec per pixel (based on Luminance)
Copyright: Ron Brecher