AAPOD2 Image Archives

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2022, June 2022 Jason Matter 2022, June 2022 Jason Matter

W63 (SNR G82.2+5.3) into Swan

Image Description: W63 is a weak Supernova remnant in the cirrus of the Swan nebula complex. With a 95X65 minute arc size, the name W63 comes from the Gart WESTERHOUSE catalogue.

It is near LBN 325, the large nebula at the top of the image.

15h20 total exposure

Including 34 of Ha

38 from o3 and

20 in S2

TS 86/464 quadruplet APO astrograph glasses

Televue reducer x0.80

Focal 371mm at F 4.3

EQ6 Pro Mounts

Self-driving glasses Williams Optics WO66 366mm

Camera Starshoot Autoguider

Image ZWO ASI2600MM Pro

ZWO Filter Wheel 7*36MM

Baader Filter L, R, V, B, S2, Ha and O3

Sky Quality 19.95

Magnitude CLASS 5 Bortle


Copyright: Uwe Kamin

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2021, November 2021 Jason Matter 2021, November 2021 Jason Matter

Supernova Remmant W63 (G082.2+05.3)

Image Description and Details :

Telescope: Borg 101ED f/4
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 (Rowan Belt Mod)
Camera: QHYCCD 163M
Filters: Optolong H OIII
Guide Scope: DIY Guidescope 43mm f/3
Guide Camera: QHY 178M

Location: Castillo de Villamalefa
Date: Summer 2021
Resolution: 1.87″/pixel
Guiding Performance: 1” RMS (average)
Exposures: (Gain 174 / Offset 77 / Bin 1×1)
H: 11.25h (137x300s)
O: 26.35h (319x300s)
Sensor Temperature: -10C
20 Flats
20 Darks

Total Integration Time: 38.5h

Copyright: Alberto Ibañez

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2021, March 2021 Jason Matter 2021, March 2021 Jason Matter

cygnus mosaic

I have started this imaging project back at 2010. My aim was to make a high resolution mosaic covering the constellation Cygnus. Work like that takes time and patience, especially since I have worked so, that many of the individual sub mosaics or frames have been published as an individual artworks. Here is a poster format presentation about all of longer focal length images used for this mosaic beside wide field panels.

As a result I have now a huge 37 panel (And 58 long focal length sub-panel) mosaic panorama covering 28 x 18 degrees of sky.  I have collected photons way over 600 hours during past ten years for this photo. The full size mosaic image has a size of about 25.000 x 15.000 pixels.

In the orientation image above, there are three large supernova remnants visible, first the Cygnus Shell W63 , bluish ring at upper left quarter, secondly the large SNR G65.3+5.7 at utmost right and finally the third is a brighter SNR, the Veil nebula just outside of field of view at bottom center. (Image is partly overlapping with large mosaic but I didn't want to include it yet due to artistic composition.)Beside three supernova remnants there are two Wolf Rayet stars with outer shell formations. NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula at center of the image and the WR 134, it can be seen as a blue arch just right from the Crescent Nebula, near the Tulip nebula.Next to the Tulip Nebula lays a Black hole Cygnus X-1, it's marked in small closeup image of the Tulip Neula at center right in orientation image above.

There are 37 base panels with shorter focal length tools (300mm f2.8 Tokina and 200mm f1.8 Canon) There is also 59 sub-panels used, they are shot with my old 12" Meade and 11" Celestron Edge scopes.

Copyright: J-p Metsavainio

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