NGC 869 & NGC 884 - The Double Cluster

Image Title: NGC 869 & NGC 884 - The Double Cluster - Open Clusters

Date image was taken: September 25, 2023

Location: Orbassano TO Italy

Image Description and Details: H+Χ PER, (ALSO KNOWN AS C 14), IS A PAIR OF VERY LUMINOUS OPEN CLUSTERS, VISIBLE IN THE CONSTELLATION OF PERSEUS; THEY OWE THEIR COMMON NAME TO THEIR EXTREME CLOSE PROXIMITY AND SIMILARITY. THEY ALSO HAVE A REFERENCE LETTER (H AND Χ), AS WELL AS INDEPENDENT CATALOG NUMBERS (NGC 869 AND NGC 884). Both clusters are located in the Perseus Arm, the spiral arm of the Milky Way immediately external to ours, the of Orion. However, the clusters are further away from each other than it might seem from Earth; in fact, if the estimates of their distance from us are correct (6800 light years for NGC 869 and 7600 light years for NGC 884) it can be deduced that the distance between the two clusters is approximately 800 light years.

Equipment Details: EqASKAR FRA 600 QUINTUPLET 108/600 @F5.6

QHY268M Pro @ 0°C [gain:56-offset:25]

SkyWatcher AZEQ6 GT

1 or1 (31 lights of 120″) for RED

1 hour (31 lights of 120″) for GREEN

1 hour (31 lights of 120″) for BLUE

RGB filters

Filter wheel 7×2″ QHYCFW3

QHY OAG-M with QHY5II-L mono

N.I.N.A. + APP + PixInsight + PS

Balcony of the house in Bortle 8 (TURIN) 09/25/2023

Copyright: Giuseppe De Pace

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.



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