Soul Nebula [IC 1848]
Located about 6,000 light-years from Earth, the Heart and Soul nebulae form a vast star-forming complex that makes up part of the Perseus spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy. The Soul nebula is also known as the Embryo nebula, IC 1848 or W5.
The Perseus arm lies further from the center of the Milky Way than the arm that contains our sun. The Heart and Soul nebulae stretch out nearly 580 light-years across, covering a small portion of the diameter of the Milky Way, which is roughly 100,000 light-years across.
Imaging telescopes or lenses: Takahashi FSQ106ED
Imaging cameras: QSI 6120i
Mounts: Takahashi EM 400 Temma 2
Guiding telescopes or lenses: Takahashi FS 60 CB
Guiding cameras: QHY CCD QHY 5 II
Focal reducers: Takahashi QE 0.73X
Software: PHD 2, Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight , Sequence Generator Pro SGP
Filters: Astrodon Ha 3nm, Astrodon SII 3nm, Astrodon OIII 3nm
Accessories: Robofocus Focuser, ATIK EFW2
Astrodon Ha 3nm: 22x1200" bin 1x1
Astrodon OIII 3nm: 9x1200" bin 1x1
Astrodon SII 3nm: 9x1200" bin 1x1
Integration: 13.3 hours
Copyright: B.Kinch
AAPOD2 Title: Soul Nebula [IC 1848]
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