The squid and flying bat

The squid and flying bat nebula. The red (Ha Signal) is sh2-129, the flying bat nebula. The blue squid nebula (OIII signal) in this image (OU4) was discovered by the French Amateur Astrophotographer Nicolas Outters in 2011. The squid part is an extremely faint target.

For the Flying Bat and Squid Nebula

Scope: Sky-Watcher Evostar 80

Camera: ASI294MM-P

Filters: 2" Optolong RGB, Ha, Oiii

Exposures: Ha - 29x600s (4.8 hr) ; O - 240x300s, 67x600s (31 hr), RGB (7x180s each)

Integration time:~ 36 hours

See full resolution here:

For the wide field including the Elephant Trunk Nebula

Scope: Askar FMA180 Pro

Camera: ASI294MM-P

Filter: 2" Optolong Ha, Oiii

Exposures: Ha - 28x600s; Oiii - 43x600s

Integration time: ~12 hours

Total integration time: ~48 hours

Capturing Software: APT

Copyright: Benjamin’s Astrophotography Hub


Question Mark Nebula


NGC 6914