vdB 126 and LBN 134 among LDN 769 (Racing Sea Horse!)

LDN 769

Image Description and Details : Two beautiful reflection nebula interspersed with dark dust (LDN 769) with other LDN objects nearby. The reflection nebulae are vdB 126 and LBN 134 and all objects lie within a region of dense golden stars of the Milky Way. In this framing, the reflection nebulae and the dust take on the appearance of a racing sea horse!

Imaging scope: Takahashi Epsilon 130D
Camera: ASI2600MC Pro, at -10C, Gain 100
180 x 120 s sub-exposures (6 h integration).
Guiding: ASI290MM mini on an OAG
ZWO EAF auto focuser
Software: Processed entirely in Astropixel Processor.
Imaged from a Bortle 7 zone.

Copyright: Colm O'Dwyer

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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