WR 134

This is a variable Wolf-Rayet star belonging to the constellation Swan, about 5700 from the Sun, but being of magnitude 8.08 it is not visible to the naked eye. This is an inherently very bright star, about 400,000 times brighter than the Sun, and such brightness is not due so much to its radiant surface, but to its highest surface temperature of 63,100 K, typical of Wolf-Rayet stars.

Like other stars in its class WR 134 loses mass at very high rates every year via very fast stellar winds of 1820 km/s.

The star is surrounded by a weak nebula produced by the intense stellar wind emitted by the astro.

Light 204x 300” filter: Optolong L-Ultimate

Camera: Asi 294 mc pro

Telescope: Sky-Watcher Quattro 200P + SW Coma Corrector 1X

Guide camera: Asi 120 mini

Guide scope: 60 - 320 mm

Mount: Skywatcher Eq 6-r Pro

Acquisition: Asiair Plus

Software: DSS - Pixinsight - Photoshop

Shots: 07-08-09/08/2024

Location: Torricella (TA) ITALY

SQM: 19,60

Copyright: PRO’ GIACOMO.


Caldwell 68


NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet