Jellyfish Nebula IC 443

Image Title: Medusa Nebula ICC 443

Copyright: Jordi Compte & Alfons Bou

Date image was taken: February 04, 2025

Location: Tona ( Barcelona ) and Campins ( Arbucies )

Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup

Image Description and Details: Medusa Nebula ICC 443 in HOO palette made with two teams one from Tona (Barcelona) a total of 14h in Ha and from Campins (Girona) a total of 6h OIII

Equipment Details: Equipo Skywatcher Espirit 80 400mm focal point for Ha shots on Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro mount and Zwo 2600MM camera with zwo filter Ha 7nm self-guided Zwo 130 mm with zwo 178mm camera and Equipo Takahashi FSQ85-EDX 328 mm focal point for OIII shots on Avalon Linear Fast Reverse mount and QHY294M Pro camera with Chroma 3nm self-guided filter guide telescope 240 mm with camera QHY5L-II

Name: Jordi Compte Torras

Website or Facebook Profile:

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

Montes Alpes Region


Witch head nebula and Rigel