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From Triangulum to Andromeda
This captivating deep-space image spans a vast cosmic expanse from the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) to the smaller yet equally enchanting Triangulum Galaxy (M33). This astronomical composition is a mesmerizing blend of multi-spectrum imagery, seamlessly harmonizing hydrogen-alpha (Ha) and doubly ionized oxygen (OIII) emissions with luminance (L), red (R), green (G), and blue (B) channels. In this breathtaking capture, the fiery tendrils of Ha and the ethereal glow of OIII emissions intertwine with the intricate details of stars and dust, creating a celestial astro-photo that not only reveals the grandeur of these neighboring galaxies but also provides a glimpse into the intricate astrophysical processes shaping the universe.
Image Description and Details :
Consisting of 300 billion stars, the Andromeda galaxy M31 is considered the twin sister of our Galaxy. It is accompanied by two much smaller satellite galaxies, M32 and M110. The Andromeda Galaxy is the most distant object that can be seen without an instrument under good skies, at 2.5 million light years.
Image taken in Normandy (France), by Team Newastro; (astronew.fr) , with Tube Newton Skyvision (250-900 f/d 3,6) on Eq8 mount,
ZWo Asi 6200MM camera.
Image in L,r,v,b and Ha. Total exposure time 7 hours.
Copyright: astronew.fr
M31 The great Andromeda galaxy in hydrogen dust
Image Description and Details : M31 dans sa robe de soirée. 19H15 d'exposition, dont 6H20 en Ha.
38 Ha de 10 min
65 Luminances de 5 min et 50 poses de 3 min sur chaque canal RVB
Lunette TS 86/464 Quadruplet APO astrographe
Réducteur Televue x0.80
Focale 371mm à F 4.3
Monture EQ6 Pro
Autoguidage Lunette Orion 50mm Guide Scope 163mm
Camera Starshoot Autoguider
Imageur ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
Roue à FiltreZWO 7*36MM
Filtre Baader L, R, V, B ,S2, Ha et O3
Sky Quality 19.95
Magnitude CLASS 5 Bortle
Copyright: by Uwe Kamin Astrophotographie