AAPOD2.com Year End Updates
We are continuing to look for more companies/members to participle in donating prizes for our 2020 image of the year prize package.
If you're interested in getting involved please reach out to us at info@aapod2.com to be included.
We already have some great prizes but would love to offer more.
So far we have:
From our store we have some great swag, a aapod2.com T-shirt and hat along with some stickers and decals, a very nice plaque as well.
From Rogelio Bernal Andreo's (RBA) we have a digital copy of his new book Mastering PixInsight and the art of Astro Image Processing and.... a hard copy of his best selling book Deep Sky Colors, a must have for all astrophotgraphers. Thanks RBA!
Sidereal Trading has donated a QHY Pole-master and great product for easy and accurate polar alignment.
And have a 1.37 gram North West Africa (NWA) Lunar meteorite.
It's been almost a year since we launched, and we can't believe how much we have grown, here are few stats.
1.6k Facebook members.
4.7k Posts to the Facebook group,
2k Image submissions to the aapods.com website
A few web stats from the 2020:
Pageviews to AAPOD2.com: 201k
Unique visitors 57k
Total social reach and engagement 120k
Our top 10 countries by traffic volume:
United States (18.1%)
Spain (14.8%)
Italy (12.2%)
France (10.1%)
Brazil (6.20%)
United Kingdom (5.61%)
Austria (3.92%)
Germany (3.87%)
Canada (2.60%)
Romania (1.73%)
In closing, keep submitting those great images and clear skies to all.
AAPOD2.com Team