104 hours on Andromeda at 135mm


Image Title: 104 hours on Andromeda at 135mm

Copyright: Chris Parfett & Andrew Lesser

Date image was taken: November 26, 2024

Location: Texas and Alberta

Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup

Image Description and Details: When Andrew and I set out in October to do this project it was to try and capture the Ha clouds and the Oiii arc around Andromeda. My gear is at SFRO, and Andrew was shooting from the city skies of Calgary, Alberta. We knew in order to make this image as good as possible we had to sink some time into it. We aimed for about 70-80 hours between our two locations, but it ended up being just over 100 hours! Data was captured over multiple nights in October and November, with 13hour and 10 mins being BB and the rest NB.

Capture info:

BB and NB data from SFRO: 69.5 hours
NB from Calgary: 34.5 hours

Processing was done by - Chris

Equipment Details: Rokinon 135mm lens at f2.8
ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro
Antlia ALP-T high speed
Askar 32mm guide scope/ZWO ASI 120mm mini
NINA, ZWO EAF, ZWO 5 position filter wheel
Pixinsight / Photoshop / APP / NINA / PHD2

Name: Chris Parfett

Website or Facebook Profile: https://www.astrobin.com/users/@alberta_astro/

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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