M1 - Crab nebula
Image Title: M1 - Crab nebula
Copyright: Jürgen Stei
Upload Image File (Max Size 10MB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UqPLp1-zKOLTZN6jq0ExzKdTXBAjM2AU
Date image was taken: December 27, 2024
Location: Hofheim, near Frankfurt, Germany
Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup
If other selected:
Image Description and Details: M1 is the remnant of a core collaps Supernova that explodes in the year 1054.
Equipment Details: Telescope: Homemade newtonian 318mm / f4.5 with Nexus corrector at focal length 1070mm.
Camera: QHY 268M with Antlia filters.
Exposure time: Ha (4.5nm HWB) 23*300s + L 19*120s + RGB 19/19/14*180s.
Name: Jürgen Stein
Email: jue-stein@web.de
Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.ccdastrophoto.com
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AAPOD2 Title: M1 - Crab nebula
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AAPOD2 Title: M1 - Crab nebula
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/2gbd9g48zipiwifr2xpybihkfln0ib
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