WR134 and her friends (94 hours)
Image Title: Group project (94 hours) on WR134 and her friends
Copyright: Axel Jollet
Date image was taken: October 02, 2024
Location: Across France (North West and South West)
Data Acquisition Method: Shared Community Data
Image Description and Details: After several month’s work, we are proud to present our first project: 94h of exposure on WR134. This collaborative project, carried out by 4 amateurs astrophotographers, is a demonstration of what can be achieved by working together, with passion and perseverance. The image we're sharing with you today is the fruit of a long collective effort, and of everyone's long-term commitment, and we hope it will inspire at least as much as it enthused us. Many thanks to all those who have contributed in any way to this wonderful adventure.
You can find all the details on the Astrobin post: https://www.astrobin.com/d8onv3/
Equipment Details: Askar FRA600 with the F/3.9 reducteur (ASI2600MM Pro with Antlia 3nm filters for Ha and Oiii) | AZ-EQ6 Pro
Askar FRA400 (ASI2600MC Pro with Antlia ALP-T 5nm) | HEQ5 Pro
TS-Optics 80/480 Triplet apo with x0.8 reducer (ASI2600MC Pro with Antlia ALP-T 5nm) | HEQ5 Pro
William Optics ZenithStar 81 with 6AIII Flattener (ASI533MC Pro with Antlia ALP-T 5nm) | HEQ5 Pro
Name: Axel Jollet
Website or Facebook Profile: https://www.astrobin.com/users/Ax3lG4m3r152/
AAPOD2 Title: WR134 and her friends (94 hours)
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/o2f8r81cngsn8sa09n4z417hex1en8
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