A Supernova’s Legacy": GUM 16 - Vela SNR

Image Title: "A Supernova’s Legacy": GUM 16 - Vela SNR [remastered with 36h total]

Copyright: Rod Prazeres Astrophotography

Date image was taken: December 26, 2024

Location: Hillcrest, QLD, Australia (Bortle 6)

Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup

Image Description and Details: The Vela Supernova Remnant, an awe-inspiring spectacle in the southern sky, is one of the largest and most intricate supernova remnants visible. Its colossal filaments, shimmering like cosmic tendrils, span over 100 light-years across and serve as a vivid reminder of a star's explosive death over 11,000 years ago.

This image showcases the remnants of that cataclysm in breathtaking detail, processed using advanced techniques.

Processing details:
HOO Palette: The hydrogen and oxygen emission lines were combined to bring out the striking contrast between the vibrant red hydrogen filaments and the ethereal blues of oxygen.
RGB Stars: Star colours were meticulously blended with HOO data for natural starfield integration.
Drizzle Integration (2x): Enhanced resolution to highlight fine details in the intricate web of filaments.

This massive remnant is teeming with captivating structures, delicate wisps of oxygen, dense hydrogen filaments, and areas of intricate interplay between both elements. Each feature tells a story of cosmic chaos and rebirth, a cycle that continues to inspire awe in astronomers and astrophotographers alike.

Integration across multiple nights, totaling 36h 50min:

H-alpha: 82×600s (13h 40min)
Oxygen III: 115×600s (19h 10min)
Red, Green, Blue (RGB stars): 80×60s for each channel (4h total).

Thank you very much for considering my image.

Kind Regards,

Rod Prazeres Astrophotography
Instagram: @deepskyjourney
Facebook: /rodprazeresastrophotography/
All other socials: https://linktr.ee/deepskyjourney

Equipment Details: Telescope: William Optics RedCat 51 II
Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
Filters: Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 36mm, Antlia 3nm Narrowband Oxygen III 36mm, Baader RGB (CMOS-Optimized) 36mm
Guiding Setup: William Optics UniGuide 32 with ZWO ASI174MM Mini guiding camera

Name: Rod Prazeres

Website or Facebook Profile: http://linktr.ee/deepskyjourney

Charles Lillo

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