NGC 4395

Image Title: NGC 4395

Copyright: Colm O'Dwyer

Date image was taken: January 04, 2024

Location: Cork, Ireland

Image Description and Details: Here is NGC 4395, a low surface brightness galaxy all alone in the constellation Canes Venatici. Juxtaposed with a collection of much closer stars in our Milky way on the lower right, speckled with many distant galaxies in the background.
This galaxy is interesting, aside from being difficult to image due to its low brightness, but the fast and bright mirror scope helped to bring out some detail. It’s a Seyfert galaxy, with a very unusually small central black hole, and its relationship to how these types of galaxies form is still under study for this one.

Equipment Details: Imaging scope: TS Hypergraph 6
Camera: ASI2600MC Pro, at -10C, Gain 0
370 x 90 s (broadband, no filter), ~9.25 h.
Software: Processed in Astropixel Processor, Siril and PS CS5
Imaged from Bortle 7 suburban location in Cork

Name: Colm O'Dwyer

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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