Messier 63 - Sunflower galaxy

m63 the Sunflower Galaxy

Image Title: Messier 63 - Sunflower galaxy

Copyright: Tito Santos & João Pedro Martin

Date image was taken: May 31, 2024

Location: Vila Nova de Gaia & Troviscal ( Portugal)

Image Description and Details: When a common love of astrophotography is aligned with friendship, common projects also arise.
Although there is the idea that astrophotography is a solitary hobby, nowadays with the technology we have at our disposal it's a reality that can be different. That's how I, from Troviscal, and Tito Santos Astrophotography, from Vila Nova de Gaia, embarked on jointly capturing the light of the distant M63, Sunflower Galaxy, thus starting our first joint project.

Messier 63 (Sunflower Galaxy):

The Sunflower Galaxy is a spiral galaxy in the direction of the constellation Canes Venatici, located at a distance of 27,000,000 light-years from Earth and made up of around 400,000,000 stars.

Equipment Details: Mount: EQ6-R Pro / AVX
- Optical Tube: RC 8''
- Guide camera: ASI 224 MC
- Camera: VeTec 571 C
- Filter: L Pro 2"
- Exposure: ~20h
- Crop;

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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