NGC 2442 - The Snake and the Mouse
Image Title: NGC 2442 - The Snake and the Mouse
Copyright: Rafael Sampai
Date image was taken: January 06, 2025
Location: Obstech, El Sauce, Chile
Data Acquisition Method: Other
If other selected: Personal setup in a remote Observatory
Image Description and Details: This image of NGC 2442, also known as the Meathook Galaxy, brings a unique perspective to a well-studied cosmic object. Located approximately 50 million light-years away in the constellation Volans, NGC 2442 is an intermediate spiral galaxy that has undergone significant tidal interactions, likely with a neighboring galaxy.
First Capture: November 24, 2024
Blue: 132×300,″(11h)
Green: 132×300,″(11h)
Lum : 506×300,″(42h 10′)
Red : 132×300,″(11h)
Total: 75h 10′
Equipment Details: Telescope: Planewave CDK17
Camera: Moravian Instruments C3-61000EC Pro
Mount: Planewave L550
Filters: Chroma 50mm X 50mms
Name: Rafael Sampaio
AAPOD2 Title: NGC 2442 - The Snake and the Mouse
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