
Image Description and Details : Sh2-54 with my dual Setup of a TS80 and TS130 as SHO with (partial) RGB Stars from the TS130.

I have double checked all data and the lower left dark nebula is a bit stronger in S-II line.

27:42h total capture time:

Astronomik Deep-Sky Blue 36 mm: 33×180″(1h 39′)
Astronomik Deep-Sky Green 36 mm: 25×180″(1h 15′)
Astronomik Deep-Sky Red 36 mm: 26×180″(1h 18′)
Astronomik H-alpha CCD 6nm 36mm: 43×300″(3h 35′)
Astronomik OIII CCD 6nm 36 mm: 30×300″(2h 30′)
Astronomik SII CCD 6nm 36 mm: 33×300″(2h 45′)
ZWO H-alpha 7nm 36mm: 62×300″(5h 10′)
ZWO O-III 7nm 36mm: 55×300″(4h 35′)
ZWO S-II 7nm 36 mm: 59×300″(4h 55′)

Copyright: Philip Mair


The Black Eye Galaxy

