The Black Eye Galaxy
Image Description and Details : The Black Eye Galaxy, or M64, is located 17 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. Its nucleus is packed with impressive dust lanes laden with rigorous star formation. Charles Messier added this galaxy to his list in 1780, but it had already been discovered by English astronomer Edward Pigott in 1779.
Acquisition Date: April 24 - May 10, 2023
Equipment: Planewave CDK12.5, Astrodon LRGB, ZWO ASI2600MM
Integration: 25 hours
- L: 119 x 300s
- R: 58 x 300s
- G: 64 x 300s
- B: 65 x 300s
Processed in PixInsight
Copyright: Carl Crum
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