
Image Description and Details : Sh2 -112 is a visible emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus..

It is located in the northern part of the constellation, about 1.5° west of the bright star Deneb; the most suitable time for observation in the night sky is between July and December and is greatly facilitated for observers placed in the northern hemisphere regions of the Earth.

It is a circular H II region with an apparent size of about 15', crossed by a dark band on the west side oriented north-south. The star responsible for its excitation is thought to be BD + 45 3216, a blue double star of spectral class O8V and apparent magnitude 9.18; estimates of the distance to this star give a value of 1740 parsecs (about 5670 light-years) which would place Sh2-112 in a particularly rich region of the Orion arm and physically very close to the large nebular system of Cygnus X.

Image taken in South Portugal in S2,Ha,O3,R,V,B
Total shot: 50H66
Set-up: Astrosib 400 on DDM 85 mount, Camera G3 16200
Processing PixInsight, Photohop

Copyright: Team ARO


Simeis 57 - Propeller Nebula


Ngc 55