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Image Description and Details : NGC 281 is a HII region located about 10 000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia. With a diameter of about 100 light-years, it is part of the Perseus Arm. It includes or is close to the open cluster IC 1590, the double star HD 5005 and several Bok globules. It is visible through an amateur telescope in areas where the night sky is sufficiently dark. It is sometimes unofficially called the Pacman Nebula because of its coincidental resemblance to the eponymous hero of the arcade game Pac-Man.
This emission nebula was discovered by the American astronomer Edward Barnard in 1881.
Photo taken in Normandy France.
Equipment: Newton Skyvision 250/900 (F/D 3,6) on Skywatcher EQ8 mount, ZWO Asi 6200MM camera
36 H in S,H,O
Copyright: Francis Bozon
Image Description and Details : Sh2 -112 is a visible emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus..
It is located in the northern part of the constellation, about 1.5° west of the bright star Deneb; the most suitable time for observation in the night sky is between July and December and is greatly facilitated for observers placed in the northern hemisphere regions of the Earth.
It is a circular H II region with an apparent size of about 15', crossed by a dark band on the west side oriented north-south. The star responsible for its excitation is thought to be BD + 45 3216, a blue double star of spectral class O8V and apparent magnitude 9.18; estimates of the distance to this star give a value of 1740 parsecs (about 5670 light-years) which would place Sh2-112 in a particularly rich region of the Orion arm and physically very close to the large nebular system of Cygnus X.
Image taken in South Portugal in S2,Ha,O3,R,V,B
Total shot: 50H66
Set-up: Astrosib 400 on DDM 85 mount, Camera G3 16200
Processing PixInsight, Photohop
Copyright: Team ARO
Galaxy M94
Image Description and Details : Galaxy M94 or Ngc 4736 is located about 14 million light years away in the constellation of the Hounds. The M94 galaxy is certainly one of the most beautiful galaxies observable in the spring sky. NGC 4736 was discovered by the French astronomer Pierre Méchain in 1781. Messier 94 is thought to have a diameter of 30,000 to 50,000 A.L. corresponding to its main nucleus. Beyond this, a much fainter looking halo extends another few tens of thousands of A.L. This picture was taken in Alentejo (South Portugal) in Remote de France by Team ARO from 04/07/22 to 05/08/22. Astrosib 400/3200 telescope on DDM 85 ASA mount. Camera Moravian G3 16200. Lum=89X5'. R,G,B=80x5' each Ha=18x20' each Total=33.41H Pixinsight-Photoshop processing
Copyright: Team ARO
Image Description and Details :
Consisting of 300 billion stars, the Andromeda galaxy M31 is considered the twin sister of our Galaxy. It is accompanied by two much smaller satellite galaxies, M32 and M110. The Andromeda Galaxy is the most distant object that can be seen without an instrument under good skies, at 2.5 million light years.
Image taken in Normandy (France), by Team Newastro; (astronew.fr) , with Tube Newton Skyvision (250-900 f/d 3,6) on Eq8 mount,
ZWo Asi 6200MM camera.
Image in L,r,v,b and Ha. Total exposure time 7 hours.
Copyright: astronew.fr
M 81 and IFN
Image Description and Details :
Galaxy M 81, located in the Constellation Ursa Major at 12 million AL from the Milky Way. It is a spiral galaxy, relatively modest since its diameter is only 87000 light-years. It is in gravitational interaction with its neighbor M 82.
This picture was taken by Team ARO in South Portugal from 07/03/21 to 12/05/21 in Remote from France.
Equipment used: FSQ 106 on EQ6 Pro mount, ZWO Asi 1600MM camera.
Total exposure time: 25,74H
Copyright: Team ARO