AAPOD2 Image Archives
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The sun wake up
Image Description and Details :
Solar activity continues and it seems that it is increasing, that is why we expect more solar landscapes like this, every day, every minute, a different landscape, you have to be there to capture it, here I managed to capture the solar activity of last July. 24 from Dallas, Texas.
Copyright: Arturo Buenrostro
SH2-101 Tulip Nebula
Image Description and Details :
A real challenge! Through the smoke of Canadian forest fires, during a full moon and under a Bortle 9 sky, I took this picture of the Tulip Nebula (SH2-101) with about 10 hours of exposure in SHO from Montreal. I struggled with the processing, especially to bring out the weak OIII signal…
Interesting thing here, we can see the Cygnus X-1 binary system (above the Tulip nebula on the picture). It is a high mass X-ray binary system, it is a galactic source of X-rays. It was the first source of this type to be considered as a black hole.
Chroma 3nm filters
Copyright: Jonathan Durand
NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara
Image Description and Details :
The NGC 6188 emission nebula is found near the edge of an otherwise dark large molecular cloud in the southern constellation Ara, about 4,000 light-years away from us. Born in that region only a few million years ago, the massive young stars sculpt the fantastic shapes and power the nebular glow with stellar winds and intense ultraviolet radiation. The recent star formation itself was likely triggered by winds and supernova explosions, from previous generations of massive stars, that swept up and compressed the molecular gas. The field of view spans about four full Moons, corresponding to about 150 light years at the estimated distance of NGC 6188.
Telescope : Astro Physics 12″ Riccardi-Honders f3.8
Camera : ZWO ASI6200
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME II
Pixel scale : 1.07 arcsec/pixel
FOV : 88 x 66 arcmins
Filters :SHO & RGB for stars
2 panel mosaic
Integration: 21hrs each panel total 42 hrs
Sii 14x30m Ha 14x30m Oiii 14x30m
R 3x10m G 3x10m B 3x10m
Copyright: vikas chander
The Prawn Nebula
Image Description and Details : The Prawn Nebula was taken with my own backyard observatory, in Posadas city, Argentina, during march 2021 and processed in july 2021. More than 26 hours of exposure were integrated.
Imaging telescope: Skywatcher Esprit 120 ED Super APO Triplet
Imaging camera: QHY 16200A
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-PRO
Guiding telescope: Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50 APO Refractor
Guiding camera: QHY5III-462C
Software: Main Sequence Generator Pro · Photoshop CC · PHD 2 · Pixinsight
Filters: Baader Planetarium SII 2" 8.5nm · Baader Planetarium H-Alpha 2" 7nm
H-Alpha: 42x900" (10h 30') -20C bin 1x1
SII: 40x900" (10h) -20C bin 1x1
OIII: 25x900" (6h 15') -20C bin 1x1
Integration: 26h 45'
Avg. Moon age: 15.88 days
Avg. Moon phase: 84.70%
Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 8.00
Copyright: Christian Hilbert
NGC 6744
Image Description and Details : NGC 6744 - I started this project at the end of May, capturing data over a total of 10 nights. This intermediate spiral galaxy is bigger than the Milky Way, with a disk stretching 175,000 light-years across. A small, distorted companion galaxy is located nearby, which is similar to our galaxy's Large Magellanic Cloud. This companion, called NGC 6744A can be seen in the main galaxy's outer arm in the upper left of this image.
Lights -
Lum: 529 X 60 sec
Red: 200 X 60 sec
Green: 200 X 60 sec
Blue: 200 X 60 sec
Darks - 50
Flats - 50 per filter
Flat darks - 50 per filter
Total integration time - 18.82 hours
Telescope - @celestronuniverse Edge HD 800
Camera - @zwoasi ASI294MM Pro
Filters - Optalong L-Pro & Baader RGB filters
Mount - SW EQ6-R Pro
Focuser - @primalucelab ESATTO 2”
Guidescope - Astromania 70mm guidescope
Guide camera - @zwoasi 120mm
Controller - Pegasus Astro Pocket Powerbox
Main processing steps in Pixinsight
For Luminance data
1. Calibration, registration, normalisation & stacking
2. Dynamic background extraction
3. Deconvolution
4. MultiscaleLinearTransform
5. Histogram stretch
6. Curves
For the Colour data
1. Calibration, registration, normalisation & stacking
2. Dynamic background extraction
3. MultiscaleLinearTransform
4. Histogram stretch
5. Curves
For the RGB image
1. ChannelCombination
2. Dynamic background extraction
3. PhotometricColorCalibration
5. Histogram stretch
6. Extract Luminance from RGB image
7. Apply LRGBCombination (L only) on RGB image repeatedly until colours are saturated
8. Convolution
For LRGB image
1. Apply Luminance date using LRGBCombination (L only)
2. Curves
3. MorphologicalTransformation
Copyright:Peter Dunsby
Transit from Ganymede
Image Description and Details :
Transit from Ganymede 25 July 2021
Average night conditions due to fine mist. The idea was to make a Gif of the Ganymede transit with at least 1 hour of duration, but due to fog the light conditions varied a lot, which would prevent having a homogeneous Gif.
Good thing Ganymede himself came out with good definition, note that especially in the image with the infrared filter the dark region of Edfu Facula at 2 am and the light region of Osiris at 6 am are perfectly distinguishable in the photo, which shows that they are not artifacts.
PS: The high resolution image of Ganymede was taken from the Virtual Planet Atlas.
Copyright: Astrovani
NGC 6820 / NGC 6823 / SH2-86
Image Description and Details :
Recording dates:
Photo taken in: July 2021
Location: Upper Austria
Distance: 6000 light years
Diameter: 50 light years
Exposure: 66 x 300 sec. For RGB
27 x 900 sec. With dual narrowband
Total: 12.2 hours
Calibration: Darks / Flats / DarkFlats
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO
Telescope: Lacerta 10 ″ Photo Newton 250/1000
Corrector: Lacerta GPU coma corrector
Filter: Astronomik L2 UV-IR block
2 ″ Optolong Filter L-eXtreme 2 ″
Camera: QHY268c @ Gain 0 at -15 ° C
Guiding: ZWO OAG with QHY5III462c and PHD2
Software: APP / Photoshop CC
Copyright: Daniel Nimmervoll
Pelican Nebula (IC5070)
Image Description and Details :
Tak FSQ-106ED F/5
Astrodon S-ll, H-a, O-lll each 5nm 36mm 600sec x 21, 1bin
Orion CT80 + ZWO ASI 120mm mini
FLI Atlas Focuser
Skywatcher EQ8 mount (with EQ Drive standard4 TCS)
Copyright: Kim Young-Dae
NGC6888 Crescent nebula
Image Description and Details : NGC 6888 captured during multiple nights between 2 and 13 July 2021, with two RC 8" on EQ6 mount and CEM70, two QHYCCD 183M camera and a CFW3 filter wheel equipped with Baader LRGB filters and Optolong LRGB-HA-Oiii fillter.
Multiple exposure time has been used to obtain the best of details, for a total exposure time of about 45 hours.
HAlpha 135x600" -20C bin 1x1aa
Oiii 120x600" -20C bin 1x1
RGB: 30x300" -20C bin 1x1 10s for each filter
Copyright: Acquisition by Giuseppe Amante & Alessandro Pensato.
Pixinsight processing by Giuseppe Amante
SH2-132 (Lion Nebula)
Image Description and Details :
SH2-132 SHO 2 Panel Mosaik (Lionnebula)
One night with each Filter and Panel.
Zwo Asi 1600mm Pro
UNC8" F4 (800mm)
600mm Guidescope and the Zwo Asi120mm for guiding.
Mount SW EQ6 Pro.
All together 18h integration time
Subframes 600sec Gain 139 -15C .
Flats Darks Darkflats
Software: N.I.N.A PHD Pixinsight Photoshop
Imaged in west germany under bortle 4 Sky.
Copyright: Frank Föhles
Montes Apeninos
Image Description and Details The Apennines stretch a total length of about 600 km and the mountain peaks reach heights of 5000 m. The slopes towards Mare Imbrium are relatively steep with slopes of approximately 30 °, while on the opposite side, towards Mare Vaporum and Sinus Aestuum they are significantly less.
Telescopio CPC1100
Cámara Zwo Asi 385mc
Observatorio CASA
Granada / España
Copyright: Benjamin Hernandez
Dark Nebula in Scorpius
Image Description and Details :
An ominous dark nebula rises against the a bright star field and glowing gasses, alongside the tail of the Scorpius constellation. The structure spans almost 40 light years and dust and gas collapse to form stars within this dark nebula. Also known as a cometary globule, the cloud is shaped by ultraviolet radiation from the very hot stars in NGC 6231. The ultraviolet light also illuminates the reddish glow of hydrogen gas. Hot stars embedded in the dust can be seen as bluish reflection nebulae. This dark nebula, NGC 6231, and associated nebulae are about 5,000 light-years away.
Telescope : Planewave CDK 17 F6.8
Camera : SBIG STXL 11002
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Pixel scale : 0.63 arcsec/pixel
FOV : 42 x 29 arcmins
Filters :LRGB & Ha
Integration: 28hrs
Observatory : El Sauce
Software: PixInsight & Photoshop
Copyright: vikas chander
Image Description and Details : Object : IC4765
Data : LRGB 500:330:420:240, total 24 hours 50 minutes
Description : Galaxy Cluster in Pavo
Telescope : Planewave CDK 17, Camera : SBIG STXL 11002 with AOX, Tracking : Paramount ME
Location : Observatorio El Sauce, Chile
Image processing software : Pixinsight, Photoshop
Date last acquired the data : 14-Jul-2021
Copyright: Image captured : Martin Pugh
Image processing : Rocco Sung
NGC 6357 War & Peace Nebula
Image Description and Details :Astrophotography taken in 2020 with my own equipment and reprocessing in 2021.
Imaging telescope: Skywatcher Esprit 120 ED Super APO Triplet
Imaging camera: QHYCCD 16200A
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-PRO
Guiding camera: QHY5L-II
Software: Sequence Generator Pro · Photoshop CC PS · PHD2 · Pixinsight
Filters: Chroma OIII 3nm · Baader Planetarium SII 8.5nm · Baader Planetarium H-Alpha 7nm
Ha: 34x900" (8h 30')
SII: 35x900" (8h 45')
OIII: 35x900" (8h 45')
Integration: 26 hours
Avg. Moon age: 15.01 days
Avg. Moon phase: 39.41%
Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 8.00
Posadas, Argentina
Copyright: Christian Hilbert
Image Description and Details :
Dear friends, we are pleased to present you our latest discovery!
PaRasMoMi-1 stands for: "Dana Patchick-Sakib Rasool-Sankalp Mohan-Utkarsh Mishra".
It was Discovered by all four of us in april 2021 and we tried to guess what this object could be using the data that was available online, no doubt this new discovery needs some good scientific study
PaRasMoMi-1 lies in the constellation Monoceros and is 5942 ly (light-years) away from earth.
It is near the Rosette nebula/NGC 2237 and is officially designated at Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg H-alpha planetary nebula database. Comprehensive database of all known planetary nebulae.
PaRasMoMi-1 is Potential Planetary Nebula candidate which officially designated at Planetary Nebula net and at HASH Portal. by Dr. Quentin Andrew Parker
and designated By Pascal Le Dû on Planetary Nebula dot net.
The size of this nebula is very big and that is around 26 arcmins
*(Almost same size of moon in terms of apparent size)*
We want to thank our friend Patrick Dufour who photographed this nebula for around 20hrs from his remote observatory in Chile. He used a 12" AG Optical RC Telescope and QHY 600 Mono CMOS camera with SHOLRGB filter to capture the region. Since the object was only visible in OIII we asked him to capture as much OIII as possible and Patrick did a great job by collecting the data quickly - as the object was close to the horizon.
Patrick supplied us with the data and I started examining it and created a few Continuum free images of OIII and H-alpha to really bring out the structure details.
Sakib and Dana i look forward to learn more from you
PaRasMoMi-1 object details:
PN-G: 206.2+00.6
Coordinates: 06:41:30.00 +06:16:30.00
Size: 26 arcmins (Almost apparent size of the moon)
Visible in : OIII
Image Credit copyright ; Patrick Dufour, Utkarsh Mishra
Technical Information
Imaging telescopes or lenses: AG Optical 12.5" iHW
Imaging cameras: QHYCCD QHY600
Mounts: iOptron CEM120 EC2
Guiding telescopes or lenses: AG Optical 12.5" iHW
Guiding cameras: ZWO ASI290MC
Software: Pixinsight 1.8 · NINA - Nighttime Imaging ‘N’ Astronomy
Filters: Astrodon Ha 50mm 5nm · Astronomik LRGB IIc lrgb · Astrodon S2 50mm 5nm · Astrodon O3 50mm 5nm
Dates: April 8, 2021 , April 10, 2021 , April 11, 2021 , April 14, 2021 , April 15, 2021 , April 17, 2021 , April 18, 2021
Astrodon Ha 50mm 5nm: 27x600" (4h 30') (gain: 26.00) bin 1x1
Astrodon O3 50mm 5nm: 55x600" (9h 10') (gain: 26.00) bin 1x1
Astrodon S2 50mm 5nm: 12x600" (2h) (gain: 26.00) bin 1x1
Astronomik LRGB IIc lrgb: 124x120" (4h 8') (gain: 26.00) bin 1x1
Integration: 19h 48'
Avg. Moon age: 14.14 days
Avg. Moon phase: 12.42%
Copyright: Image acquisition :Patrick Dufour ,
Image Processing : Utkarsh Mishra
M78 over 4 years
Image Description and Details :
I compiled shots of this target for as many nights as I could over the past 4 years. Each time stacking and feeling it's not enough... I'm in Michigan, Bortle 7.5. Home of "lake effect clouds" and I might get 5 clear nights over the period that this target appears in my sky.
I shot over 4 years with 3 different scopes and 3 different cameras and combined my efforts this last spring and this was the result.
I hope to collect more should I find another clear sky here in the winter.
Copyright: Ron Richard Kramer
The wizard nebula
Image Description:
Location: Oria, Almeria, Spain
Telescope: Officina Stellare ProRC 700
Camera: FLI PL16803
Mount: Officina Stellare Equatorial Fork
Ha: 20x3 minutes (binned 1x1)
OIII: 21x3 minutes (binned 1x1)
SII: 37x3 minutes (binned 1x1)
Copyright 2021 Bernard Miller
NGC 6752 - Globular Cluster in Pavo
Image Description and Details : It seems quite appropriate that this very bright globular cluster is located in the constellation of Pavo - the Peacock. The bright scattering of stars look like the fine display of a peacock's tail when it is trying to impress a prospective mate. This globular cluster does a very fine job of that as well.
According to Wikipedia, NGC6752 is the fourth brightest globular cluster after Omega Centauri, 47 Tucanae and Messier 22. I already have images of Omega Centauri and 47 Tucanae so now I'm going to have to grab some data on Messier 22.
Approximately 6 hours of data collected for this image with a TSA120 and QSI 683 CCD.
Copyright: Rodney Watters
NGC 7129
Image Description and Details :
NGC 7129 open cluster, at about 3000 light-years in Cepheus, associated with LBN 497 reflection nebula.Integration : 26 hours in Amiens City (France) RC8 Altair Astro scopeAvalon Linear MountQHY163mm + Astrodon filtersL : 110x300s + 155x120sRVB : 15x300s eachHalpha 5nm : 94x300sFocal length : 1600mmScale : 0.49"/pixelBortle 62.2<FWHM<2.8Acquisitions Prism V10Processing Pixinsight, Photoshop
Copyright Information: Mathieu Guinot