M78 over 4 years
Image Description and Details :
I compiled shots of this target for as many nights as I could over the past 4 years. Each time stacking and feeling it's not enough... I'm in Michigan, Bortle 7.5. Home of "lake effect clouds" and I might get 5 clear nights over the period that this target appears in my sky.
I shot over 4 years with 3 different scopes and 3 different cameras and combined my efforts this last spring and this was the result.
I hope to collect more should I find another clear sky here in the winter.
Copyright: Ron Richard Kramer
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AAPOD2 Title: M78 over 4 years
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/madfja3w3m4z4u9e8xuycgfaciawds
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AAPOD2 Title: M78 over 4 years
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/madfja3w3m4z4u9e8xuycgfaciawds
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