NGC 7380 - The Wizard Nebula

Image Title:

Location: Suburban Chicago, IL (USA)

Image Description and Details: NGC 7380/ SH2 142 - The Wizard Nebula, is an open cluster of stars still embedded in the nebula out of which it formed. The stars are estimated to be about 4 million years old. The cluster is about 8,000 light years away in the constellation Cepheus.

Equipment Details: Celestron 11” Edge HD at F/7. Celestron OAG, CEM 70, 2600 mm pro cooled to -10 and gain 100. ASIAIR pro, 7x36mm EFW, EAF, 5 min subs shot with Chroma 3nm filters with SHO filters.
30 hours total. Processed in Pixinsight/PS/LR. Shot from my backyard, bortle 8.

Copyright: Richard S. McInnis


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