IC 59 and IC 63 - Ghost of Cassiopeia

Image Title: IC 59 and IC 63 - Ghost of Cassiopeia

Date image was taken: October 09, 2023

Location: Dounoux - Vosges (88) - France

Image Description and Details: This fairly legendary target was important to me to do in close-up. Located right in the middle of my favorite constellation: Cassiopeia.It's an emission nebula that's quite difficult to image because it's very faint, I'm really happy with the result... I'm really looking forward to printing this one...IC 63 (right) also called the ghost of Cassiopeia is a very faint diffuse nebula, it is located about 550 light years away. It is accompanied by IC 59 (left) closer to Navi or Gamma Cas, the big star which is a little further up on the left but which does not appear in the field, but we can see its blue "halo".

Blue 2": 53×300,″(4h 25′)

Green 2": 47×300,″(3h 55′)

H-Alpha 3nm 2": 100×600,″(16h 40′)

Red 2": 43×300,″(3h 35′)

Equipment Details: TS-Optics N-AG12 Newtonian Astrograph


Sky-Watcher EQ8-R Pro

Primaluce Lab SESTO SENSO 2

Copyright: Gaëtan MAXANT

Email: gaetan.maxant@hotmail.fr

Website or Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/gaetan.maxant.9

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


NGC 2004 et. al. Narrowband


NGC 7380 - The Wizard Nebula