Race of the Fish Nebulae in Cepheus

Image Description and Details : This widefield image consists of the extremely dusty patch of the Cepheus constellation. The region contains a plethora of dark and bright nebulae belonging to the Lynd's dark and bright sky catalogue, the more notable of them being the three nebulae named after the fishes LDN 1251 or the Rotten fish or Angler fish Nebula, LDN 1235 or the Shark Nebula, and VBD 152 or Barnard 175 also sometimes referred as the Eel nebula, which all seem to be engrossed in some sort of a race.


Nikon Z5

Samyang 135 f2

Fornax Lightrack ii


180 n 240s subs shot over 2 sessions

Calibrated with flats

Total Integration: 6h 33m

Processed in PixInsight and Photoshop

Shot under Bortle 1 skies in Spiti Valley, India.

Copyright: Copyright: Shikhar Gupta


Dark Nebula along the Cassiopeia/Camelopardalis Border

