Dark Nebula along the Cassiopeia/Camelopardalis Border

Image Description and Details : About 3 degrees east of the famous Soul Nebula and right on the border between Cassiopeia and Camelopardalis lies a rather long area of dark molecular clouds within a larger area of background HII emission. A good portion of these molecular clouds are part of Lynds Catalog of Dark Nebulae which is a list assembled by Beverly Lynds in the 1950s-1960s. These dense molecular clouds are often areas of star formation and indeed there is at lease one easily visible young stellar object (YSO) within the image and nine LDN objects (1378-1386). The annotated image circles these LDN objects along with a few background galaxies. This area also has a large area of HII emission and some brighter un-catalogued emission nebula and is part of the larger Sharpless 2-202 area. Just left of center is the large (29 arc minute) Stock 23 open star cluster which lies 1200 light years distant.
Scope: Stellarvue SVX 152T, Camera: ZWO ASI 6200, Paramount MyT. Image taken from 24-30 Sept 22 at the Okie Tex Star party. 180min of Luminance, 240min or Red, Green and Blue, 1200min of Ha. 14.3hrs total.

Copyright: Jonathan Talbot


NGC 6946 + NGC 6939 firework galaxy


Race of the Fish Nebulae in Cepheus