Abell 39

abell 39 O3_RGB V1.jpg

Image Description and Details : Here is the planetary nebula known by the sweet name Abell 39. Very dim, it is located about 6800 light-years from home in the direction of the constellation of Hercules.
Its peculiarity lies in its almost spherical shape, and despite its too small angular size, its radius is 2.5 LY making it one of the largest known planetary nebulae.

Several galaxies appear in the background including the PGC 58246 whose magnitude is 15.8!
I used the AAO observatory for the RGB acquisition and at the same time I pointed the North setup of the MAO observatory (located in Benslimane at 350 km) on the same target for the O3 acquisitions.
Basically, I was able to make the image using the two observatories to save considerable time. Although the sampling is different, 1.47 arcsec for MAO North and 0.95 for AAO, the result is very conclusive.
Setup 1: AAO Observatory
- Apo astrophisics 130mm refractor, F 826mm
- Astrophisics mach 1 mount
- Zwo asi 1600 mc cooled
- 39 x 300s or 3h 15min
- Acquisition with Nina software
- Processing under PixInsght
- Location: Ifrane, Morocco
- Date: 5/24/2020
Setup 2: MAO Observatory
- Apo astrograph TS 102mm, F 530mm
- Az-eq 6 GT
- Zwo asi 1600 mm cooled
- O3 astronomik 6nm filter
- 43 x 300s or 3h 35min
- Acquisition with Nina software
- Processing under PixInsght
- Location: Ben Slimane, Morocco
- Date: 5/24/2020

Copyright: Aziz Kaeouach

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


Sh2-132 Lion Nebula


NGC 3628: aka The Hamburger Galaxy