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A bubble in Hercules, Abell 39
Image Description and Details :
Abell 39 is a faint nearly symmetrical planetary nebula in Hercules. Exposures for Abell 39 taken from 3 April to 21 May 2021 from my backyard Observatory. 32.1 hrs of exposure time consisting of 160min of Red and Green, 140min of Blue, 700min of Ha and 760min of OIII. I used my Stellarvue SVX 152T with a ZWO ASI 6200 camera. Control was with Voyager automation. The images were taken using 1x1 binning for a resolution of .64 arcsec/pixel. The exposures were also done using a 1/2 frame ROI.
Abell 39 is the 39th entry into George Abell's catalog of planetary nebula. Within this field are an enormous amount of background galaxies, probably more than foreground stars. The image is a crop of a much larger field of view.
Copyright: Jon Talbot
Abell 39
Image Description and Details : Here is the planetary nebula known by the sweet name Abell 39. Very dim, it is located about 6800 light-years from home in the direction of the constellation of Hercules.
Its peculiarity lies in its almost spherical shape, and despite its too small angular size, its radius is 2.5 LY making it one of the largest known planetary nebulae.