AAPOD2 Image Archives

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2022, November 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter 2022, November 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

Spitzkoppe Arch

Image Description and Details : The Spitzkoppe, or the "Matterhorn of Namibia", is a group of bald granite peaks located between Usakos and Swakopmund in the Namib desert of Namibia. More than 120 million years old, the highest outcrop rises about 1700mtrs above sea level. Many examples of Bushmen artwork can be seen painted on the rocks in the Spitzkoppe area though many of them have been destroyed. The Spitzkoppe Mountains were also the filming location for 2001: A Space Odyssey in the "Dawn of Man" sequences.

The rock arch seen here is also a well-known formation and has featured in many a composition and to photograph the arch, one has to camp inside the reserve as the gates are closed at night. Behind and to the left of the arch is the Spitzkoppe peak while to the right I think is the Pontos range. In the sky we can see the North American nebula and the Sadr region showing off their hydrogen gases and the Andromeda Galaxy puts in an appearance on the right, in an orientation we Northerners are not used to seeing….

Camera = Nikon D850 H-alpha mod
Lens = Nikon 14-24mm, Zeiss Otus 55mm
Sky Exposure = 10secs, f2, iso 6400, 18 panels
Ground Exposure = 480 secs, f2.8, iso 800, light painted
Software = PtGui, Pixinsight, Lightroom, Photoshop, Luminar Neo

Copyright: vikas chander

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October 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Charles Lillo October 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Charles Lillo

The Iris Nebula (NGC 7023) and lots of dust

Image Description and Details : Shooting from suburban Bortle 5-6 skies, dark nebula are a real challenge for me. After two sessions on the wonderful Iris Nebula in Cepheus, I wasn't satisfied with the quality of my picture. So, I invested another night to increase the total integration time to 11 hours, which made bringing out the faint dust surrounding it possible. Hope you like it!

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2022, August 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter 2022, August 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

Huge solar prominence

Image Description and Details : A huge was visible on the Sun! These consist of cooler Plasma that follows magnetic field lines. This image was taken yesterday (28.08.22, 4:10 pm UTC). I put the Earth into the image (to scale) for a size comparison.

Lichtenknecker 90/1350mm Refraktor
Coronado Solarmax 90 I
10000 frames (4ms, Gain 0)
Stacked with Autostakkert!3 (best 550 Images)
Processed with Registax, Photoshop

Copyright: Robert Schumann

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2022, July 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter 2022, July 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

NGC 6543 - The Cat's Eye

Image Description and Details : NGC 6543 is a planetary nebula ~3,300 light years away in the Draco Constellation. This was shot from Bortle 8 Dallas-Fort Worth over eight nights in June 2022. Equipment: Celestron EdgeHD 1100 at full focal length 10Micron GM1000HPS mount ZWO ASI6200MM-Pro main camera Chroma LRGB and 3nm Ha and O3 filters

Integration: 25 hrs

Copyright: Timothy Martinh

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2022, June 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter 2022, June 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

Photogenic Saturn

Image Description and Details : Saturn on 18th August 2021. This is a substantially south up view. The seeing was excellent throughout the night of capture. The conditions allowed resolution of finest details on the planet's cloud tops. The Encke Division could be seen in the Blue images, which is unusual. The Maxwell Gap in the C Ring is also well resolved, especially in the colour image. OTA: C14 Edge HD Camera: ZWO ASI 174MM Filters: Chroma RGB Barlow: Tele Vue 3X Frames: 42,000 Frame rate: 47 fps Exposure time: 20ms Focal length: 13.5m

Copyright: Niall MacNeill

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April 2022, 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter April 2022, 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

Kohoutek 2-1 (K2-1) Planetary Nebula

Image Description and Details : I started capturing this January 9th of this year and just finished capturing last week. It's been a rough winter as usual for capturing and given my light pollution, I had a heck of a time pulling out the detail in the OIII. My friend Peter captured some Ha, but there is not a lot there so I decided given my limited nights of clear skies, I would just hammer the OIII.

In 1963 while examining the POSS plates, Kohoutek came across a number of new nebulae, most of which he was able to identify as planetary nebulae. These were published in the bulletin of the Czech Astronomical Institute Circular in 1963 as BAICz14. However, in the case of some of the objects he discovered he was not able to confirm their type. Over the years this object has been variously catalogued as an irregular galaxy (UGCA 100), a bright nebula (LBN 809) or even a reflection nebula (DG 50). SIMBAD classifies this object as a diffuse nebula with notes saying it is not a galaxy or a planetary nebula. This is somewhat odd as the current professional planetary nebula (HASH) database classifies it as a true planetary nebula. In the discovery paper Kohoutek remarks on a blue star near the centre of the nebula at about 18th mag which could be the central star.

Kohoutek 2-1 is 3700 light years away in the constellation Auriga. It has a size of 115x126 arc sec and is predominantly OIII. It has a mean surface brightness of 24.1 mag/arc sec.

Copyright: © Douglas J Struble

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2022, March 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter 2022, March 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

Thor's Helmet - NGC 2359

Image Description and Details :

Thor's Helmet - NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet, an emission nebula ~11,960 light years away, is in the constellation Canis Major. The central star is the Wolf-Rayet star WR7, a star thought to be in a brief pre-supernova stage of evolution. Acquisition: Location: Queen Creek, AZ Bortle 7 Date: 2022-02-26 - 2022-03-11 Lights (Dithered, Cooled 0°C, Gain 100): 199 x 180s Darks: 25 Flats: 25 Dark Flats: 25Hardware: Camera: ZWO ASI 2600MC PRO Scope: Celestron EdgeHD 11" Focal Reducer: Celestron 0.7x Focuser: Prodigy Microfocuser Guide Camera: Unguided Guide Scope: Unguided Mount: GM2000 HPS II Filter: Optolong L-EnhanceSoftware: SGP Pixinsight PhotoshopProcessing: Stacked in Pixinsight (WBPP, SubframeSelector, DrizzleIntegration) Pixinsight (DCrop, ABE, PhotometricCC, EZDenoise, EZSoftStretch, EZStarReduction, StarNet2)) Gradient removal using GradientXterminator Camera Raw Filter in Photoshop AstroFlat Pro Color/Levels Adjustments

Copyright: James Hawks

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2022, January 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter 2022, January 2022, 2022 Monthly Winners Jason Matter

The Spaghetti Nebula -SIMEIS 147- SH2-240

Image Description and Details :

It took me 2 months to acquire enough lights to make anything out of it.

Indeed, I shot 14 winter nights between November and January (5 of which played with my nerves with the fog lifting at nightfall without being able to do anything).

So I shot from the Vosges, I camped in 0 ° C in Alsace, I shot from my astrobro Christope in Moselle, I went south of France to Valensole and I moved on several spots on several nights in this region.A total of 3,600 km of road to acquire the 55 hours of lights retained which consist of:

Tile 1:
Ha -> 71x600 ’’
Oiii -> 78x600 ’’
R G B -> 90x10 '' per filter

Tile 2:Ha -> 94x600 ’’
Oiii -> 78x600 ’’
R G B -> 90x10 '' per filter

While the acquisition was long and complex, so was the processing, I had to work with 400GB of data for a final image of 15 000 x 12 000px.Suffice to say that the PC has smoked!
Once again a big thanks to Christophe who illuminated me with his advices during the processing and gave me invaluable help, thanks also to Nico for his always correct eye!

Technical part:
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX4 with 645-QE super reducerAsi 2600MM Pro
Barilla (Antilla) RGB + H and O 3nm filters
Altaïr 60/225 guide + asi 290mm mini
Sky bortle 3-4

Acquisition: N.I.N.A + Phd2
Processing: Siril + PixInsight + Photoshop

Taken in several parts of France between 2021/11/10 and 2022/01/03

Copyright : Yann SAINTY

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