CG4 Cometary Globule in Puppis
Image Description and Details :
Image acquired using the Telescope Live remote imaging platform.
Telescope: ASA 500N Newtonian. 500mm aperture, focal length 1900mm, f/3.8
CCD Camera: Finger Lake Instruments FLI 16803.
Equatorial Mount: ASA DDM85 direct drive.
Astrodon LRGB filters.
L: 15 x 600s
R: 12 x 600s
G: 10 x 600s
B: 12 x 600s
Processed with Astro Pixel processor, PixInsight and Affinity Photo.
Copyright: Nik Szymanek
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AAPOD2 Title: CG4 Cometary Globule in Puppis
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AAPOD2 Title: CG4 Cometary Globule in Puppis
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