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2024, February 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, February 2024 Charles Lillo

IC 2087 and Taurus Molecular Cloud

IC 2087 stands as a shadowy sentinel amidst the celestial expanse, a dark nebula shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Located within the boundaries of the constellation Taurus, this enigmatic cosmic cloud serves as a cosmic veil, obscuring the light of distant stars and revealing the intricate interplay of cosmic dust and gas.

As a dark nebula, IC 2087 offers astronomers a unique opportunity to study the processes of star formation and the dynamics of interstellar matter. Within its dense folds of dust and gas, new stars may be slowly emerging, their faint light struggling to pierce the veil of darkness. While its secrets remain largely hidden from view, IC 2087 beckons the curious gaze of astronomers, inviting them to unravel the mysteries of cosmic evolution and the birth of stars within the vastness of the cosmos.

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November 2021, 2021 Jason Matter November 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

CG4 Cometary Globule in Puppis

Image Description and Details :

Image acquired using the Telescope Live remote imaging platform.Telescope: ASA 500N Newtonian. 500mm aperture, focal length 1900mm, f/3.8CCD Camera: Finger Lake Instruments FLI 16803.Equatorial Mount: ASA DDM85 direct drive.Astrodon LRGB filters.L: 15 x 600sR: 12 x 600sG: 10 x 600sB: 12 x 600sProcessed with Astro Pixel processor, PixInsight and Affinity Photo.

Copyright: Nik Szymanek

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