HFG1 & Abell 6

hfg1 and abell 6

Image Title: HFG1 & Abell 6

Date image was taken: September 22, 2023

Location: Serre les Sapins

Image Description and Details: 2022 and 2023 60h total data compiled with WBPP, which gives a very detailed image of these 2 remarkable objects in the Cassiopeia constellation.

Camera ASI 2600 MM pro, Asiair Pro, refractor 130ed TS optics

HFG1 and Abell 6 form a unique pair of planetary nebulae, very interesting to image with narrow-band filters.

HFG1 takes its name from its three discoverers: Heckathorn, Fesen and Gull. Its central star V664 Case, from mag. 14.5 is a pre-cataclysmic tight binary.

One publication suggests that HFG1 leaves behind a gas tail emitting in the Ha and NII waveloggers. This tail of at least 20' extends towards the northwest and is approximately 10,000 years old.

HFG1 itself presents an interesting structure, with an arc opposite the tail, that is to say in the direction of movement of the nebula, which suggests that it is a front of shock wave of matter interacting with the interstellar medium. We also note three brighter lobes in the OIII line and a weaker central zone where the Ha signal dominates.

Abell 6 is a classic example of a bubble from this catalog (type 2b), but also remains quite weak (mag=15.0), with a stronger OIII emission than in Ha. However, its structure presents irregularities with in particular two fine lobes at the east and west edges. Its dimensions are 188x174" (credit Astrosurf)

Images taken in October 2022 and September 2023 between 21:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. in France (25770 Serre-Les-Sapins)

- 20x3 RGB 180s

- 167x600s OIII

- 179x600s Ha

- RGB Astronomik and Antlia HO 3nm 2'' filter mounted

- ASI2600mm pro gain 100 -10c camera. Bin1

- SW EQ6R pro mount.

- Ts 130 Photoline telescope 910mm focal length


- AOG, EAF, EFW7x2"

- Asi 120mm guide camera.

Image acquisition: Zwo Asiar Pro with Asiar software on Ipad

Processing and post-processing Pixinsight 1.8.9-2), Adobe lightroom

Link Astrobin : https://www.astrobin.com/7xbj8q/0/

Link for full on jlastrophoto internet site : http://jlastrophoto.com

Gear detail : https://www.jlastrophoto.com/wp/mon-matos-my-gear/

Equipment Details: Images taken in October 2022 and September 2023 between 21:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. in France (25770 Serre-Les-Sapins)

- 20x3 RGB 180s

- 167x600s OIII

- 179x600s Ha

- RGB Astronomik and Antlia HO 3nm 2'' filter mounted

- ASI2600mm pro gain 100 -10c camera. Bin1

- SW EQ6R pro mount.

- Ts 130 Photoline telescope 910mm focal length


- AOG, EAF, EFW7x2"

- Asi 120mm guide camera.

Copyright: @jlastrophoto

Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.jlastrophoto.com

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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