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2023, October 2023 Charles Lillo 2023, October 2023 Charles Lillo

HFG1 & Abell 6

HFG 1, also known as Abell 6, is an intriguing planetary nebula located in the constellation Lynx. Planetary nebulae are shells of gas and dust ejected by dying stars, and they often exhibit unique and captivating shapes. HFG 1 is no exception and offers a remarkable cosmic spectacle.

In this image, HFG 1 and Abell 6 come to life, revealing their intricate and alluring features. HFG 1, the central object, showcases its intricate, lacy structure with a central star at its heart. Surrounding it, Abell 6 is a faint, circular shell of gas, representing the outer layers of a star that were expelled during its final stages of evolution.

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