IC 405 (Caldwell31)


IC 405 (Caldwell31) is a diffuse nebula visible in the constellation of Auriga, located at 1630 light years from Earth. In its direction you can see AE Aurigae, a variable and mysterious star, according to some studies it would be a star born in the region of the Orion Nebula about 2.7 million years ago and then moved to the Milky Way from there. IC 405 shines with the radiation received from AE Aurigae, which ionizes its gases (mainly hydrogen) and gives it a red color; the blue patches are instead due to the reflection of the blue light of the star on the dark dust. IC 405 appears to be connected with other nebulosity systems, in particular with IC 410, visible one degree to the southeast; in reality they are much more distant objects.

----------------- setup -------------------
Tecnosky 102/714 reduced to 585mm
HEQ5 mount
drive with Artesky 60/240 and ZWO ASI 224

----------------- Image ----------------------
RGB 24x300sec f gain120 with Optolong L-Pro 2 temp -15 °
HA 30x600sec gain120 with H Alpha Baader 7nm 2" temp -15 °
tot 7h sky 20.01 sqm

--------------- Software -----------------------
APT with Stellarium, eqmod driver, Phd2 Guiding, Pixinsight 1.8.8, Photoshop

Copyright: Valerio Avitabile

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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