NGC6188 - Fighting Dragons of Ara
NGC 6188 is an emission nebula located about 4,000 light years away in the constellation Ara. The bright open cluster NGC 6193, visible to the naked eye, is responsible for a region of reflection nebulosity within NGC 6188. NGC 6188 is a star forming nebula, and is sculpted by the massive, young stars that have recently formed there – some are only a few million years old. This spark of formation was probably caused when the last batch of stars went supernova.
Equipment info:
Sky Watcher Esprit 100 ED Pro
Sky Watcher NEQ6 Pro
ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool
Chroma Ha 5nm
Chroma OIII 3nm
Chroma SII 3nm
Image Acquisition Details:
10x600 sec Ha @ Unity Gain, -15C
11x600 sec OIII @ Unity Gain, -15C
12x900 sec SII @ Unity Gain, -15C
Total Integration time 6.5 hours
Site Information:
Centurion, South Africa. Bortle 6
Image Processing Software:
Deep Sky Stacker
Photoshop CC
Copyrigth: Janco Moolman
AAPOD2 Title: NGC6188 - Fighting Dragons of Ara
AAPOD2 Page Link:
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