IC 417, IC 410 & IC 405. Three-panel mosaic in HaLRGB

Image Title: IC 417, IC 410 & IC 405. Three-panel mosaic in HaLRGB

Copyright: Claudio Ulloa

Date image was taken: January 05, 2024

Location: Observatorio Remoto Desierto Cósmico, Atacama, Chile

Image Description and Details: A Spider, Tadpoles and a Flaming Star in the Aurigae Constellation
IC-417, IC-410 and IC-405 (left to right respectively)
The red tones of these nebulae are formed by ionized Hydrogen while in IC-405 this is an emission and reflection nebula, the latter due to its blue tones that reflect the light of the star AE Aurigae.
This nebula complex is not located in the same plane, IC-417 is located approximately between 7000 to 10,000 Ly and it could share the same interstellar complex with IC-410 which is at 12,000 Ly.
IC-405 is much closer, about 1500 Ly, so it would not be part of the same region as the previous ones. They are simply nebulae that are in the same direction from our terrestrial perspective, but have nothing in common.
Total Integration: 34h 52'
Sky Bortle 2.0

Equipment Details: Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106 EDX4
Mount: iOptron CEM 70G
Camera: QHY268-M
Filters: Baader CMOS-Optimized 36mm

Website or Facebook Profile: https://www.astrobin.com/5jgmyl/

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


M101 in LRGB


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