Loop prominences

Image Title: Loop prominences

Copyright: (c) Robert Schuman

Date image was taken: May 13, 2024

Location: Volkssternwarte Hannover / Public observatory Hanover, Germany

Image Description and Details: An image from 13th May of this year, you can see the famous active region AR3664 that caused the Aurorae at the edge of the Sun. They created some nice loop prominences that were visible with an H-alpha filter.

Equipment Details: Lichtenknecker 90/1350 with
Coronado Solarmax 90
5000 x 3,5ms Gain 0
Stacking with Autostakkert (best 300 images)
Registax, Photoshop

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


IC 417, IC 410 & IC 405. Three-panel mosaic in HaLRGB


Comet C/2021 S3 (Panstarrs) in Cygnus