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Loop prominences
On May 13, 2024, an extraordinary solar event was captured, featuring active region AR3664. This sunspot region was responsible for a massive solar storm that generated auroras visible as far south as South Florida. Such displays are exceptionally rare at these latitudes, making the event a significant occurrence for both professional and amateur astronomers.
The image also showcases a beautiful loop prominence, a spectacular feature that was visible using an H-alpha filter. Loop prominences are large, glowing loops of plasma that extend from the Sun's surface, following magnetic field lines. These prominences provide a stunning visual representation of the Sun's magnetic activity and are key to understanding solar dynamics and space weather phenomena.
Huge solar prominence
Image Description and Details : A huge was visible on the Sun! These consist of cooler Plasma that follows magnetic field lines. This image was taken yesterday (28.08.22, 4:10 pm UTC). I put the Earth into the image (to scale) for a size comparison.
Lichtenknecker 90/1350mm Refraktor
Coronado Solarmax 90 I
10000 frames (4ms, Gain 0)
Stacked with Autostakkert!3 (best 550 Images)
Processed with Registax, Photoshop
Copyright: Robert Schumann